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Почтовая рассылка

Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

.NET developer (Moscow)

15 декабря 2005 года
23 / / 02.12.2005
Leading American IT Consulting company is looking for
.NET developer\Senior .NET Developer

Job Description:

As a .NET developer/Sr.Developer a successful candidate will be responsible for design and implementation of software components for mission critical financial application. Our client is a leading NY based financial software development company.

• Fundamental knowledge of C#/.NET (Windows Forms, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, remoting)
• Hands-on database design/development experience (SQL server 2000)
• At least 2 years of experience in commercial software development
• English, enough for the correspondence (intermediate level)

• Experience in.NET 2.0
• Nunit, nant
• C++/WIN32 experience
• Infragistics, DevExpress
• Design patterns, XML Web Services

Location: Moscow (Russia)

Compensation and benefits:
• Base salary $1700+ (depending on skills and experience)
• Insurance and certification paid by the company
• Western working environment. Office near Elektrozavodskaya subway station.
• Opportunities to work onsite (NY, USA).
• Great potential for carrier growth
• Candidates of any citizenships are welcome
email: [email]mnikolaeva@itci.com[/email]
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