.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
EnterAgainMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter one more string',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB',13,10,'$'
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
push ax
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
lea dx,EnterAgainMessage
call Write_Proc
;mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
;lea dx,max
;int 21h
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
xor ax,ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
end begin
[TASM]Цветные результаты
Уважаемые программисты, как в даной программе сделать введеное значение переменной STRING сначала, например, синим, а потом после преобразования этой переменной STRING, ее значение вывести красным цветом?