.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
EnterAgainMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter one more string',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB',13,10,'$'
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
push ax
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,9
lea dx,EnterAgainMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
;lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
;call Write_Proc
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
end begin
[TASM]Преобразование строки
Еще один вопрос, может ли использование цветных букв в программе вызивать ее закрытие сразу после выполнения программы. Спасибо! :)
2. Замечание. push ax вначале программы, нужно делать самой первой записью, иначе ты сохраняеш уже не тот ax, что нужно.
Собственно исправленый мною код
.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
EnterAgainMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter one more string',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB',13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
mov ax, 004h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,9
lea dx,EnterAgainMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
;lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
;call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
end begin
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
EnterAgainMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter one more string',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB',13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
mov ax, 004h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,9
lea dx,EnterAgainMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
int 21h
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
;lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
;call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
end begin
Не могли бы вы еще мне подсказать. Как сделать условие для того чтобы цветным выводился не только первый символ, а и вся строка. И как избавится от ошибки - Relational jump is out of range in 00Ah bytes , когда я в конце программы делаю запрос на возможность еще одного повтора ее выполнения.
.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ' '
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
ChoiceMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter the new line of characters (YES/NO) - [1/0]',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,09h
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
mov al, string
mov bh,0 ;delaem tekuus4uu stranicu nulevoi
mov bl,2 ;cvet dlya simvola
mov cx,1 ;colicestvo povtoreni symvola
int 10h
loop colour1
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov al, string
mov bh,0 ;delaem tekuus4uu stranicu nulevoi
mov bl,4 ;cvet dlya simvola
mov cx,1 ;colicestvo povtoreni
int 10h
loop colour
int 21h
lea dx, ChoiceMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah
mov dx, offset string
mov [string], 253d
int 21h
mov ah,08h ;cteniye symvola v tekuscei posicii kursora
int 10h
cmp al, 31h ;esli 'yes' - perehodim na metku work
je work ;esli 'no' -perehodim na metku escape
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc near ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
xor ax,ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
end begin
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ' '
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!',13,10,'$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1',13,10,'$'
ChoiceMessage db 13,10,'Would you like to enter the new line of characters (YES/NO) - [1/0]',13,10,'$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 13,10,'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one',13,10,'$'
GoodbYeMessage db 13,10,'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!',13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
lea dx, GreetingMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
mov ah,09h
lea dx, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
mov al, string
mov bh,0 ;delaem tekuus4uu stranicu nulevoi
mov bl,2 ;cvet dlya simvola
mov cx,1 ;colicestvo povtoreni symvola
int 10h
loop colour1
int 21h
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
mov ah,9
lea dx, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov al, string
mov bh,0 ;delaem tekuus4uu stranicu nulevoi
mov bl,4 ;cvet dlya simvola
mov cx,1 ;colicestvo povtoreni
int 10h
loop colour
int 21h
lea dx, ChoiceMessage
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah
mov dx, offset string
mov [string], 253d
int 21h
mov ah,08h ;cteniye symvola v tekuscei posicii kursora
int 10h
cmp al, 31h ;esli 'yes' - perehodim na metku work
je work ;esli 'no' -perehodim na metku escape
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc near ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push ax
xor ax,ax
mov ah,09h
int 21h
pop ax
Write_Proc endp
end begin
push ax
jumps ; расширяет область действия jmp-ов
push ax
jumps ; расширяет область действия jmp-ов
Насчет цвета. Я бы в таком случае писал сразу в видео память, задавая нужный атрибут напрямую. А возможностей ДОС, для вывода всей строки определного цвета, я не знаю или не помню... возможно таких возможностей даже и нет.
P.S. могу на мыло выслать. очень полезный справочник. размер ~200к
и так, я модифицировал функцию вывода, теперь она выводит строку с нужным цветом, в определной позиции. параметры, к-рые передаются
si - адресс строки(тоже что dx и в для 9ой функции)
ch - номер столбца для вывода(нумерация с нуля)
cl - номер строки для вывода(нумераия с нуля)
bl - атрибут(цвет фона и цвет символов)
программа также запрашивает, повторный ввод строки, если нажать y, то прога пойдет заново, если что-то другое выход.
Конечно, этот код нужно еще править(я не особо старался, что бы было рационально), но все работает.
а вот и код
.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters$'
EnterAgainMessage db 'Would you like to enter one more string. input y to try again$'
ResultMessage db 'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one$'
GoodbYeMessage db 'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB$'
crcl db 13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
lea si, GreetingMessage
xor ch,ch
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si, VariantMessage
mov ch,1
mov cl,1
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si, InputMessage
mov ch,2
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
lea si, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
mov ch,5
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea si, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,6
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
lea si, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,7
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si,EnterAgainMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,8
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0
int 16h
cmp al,'y'
je start
lea si, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,9
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
;lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
;call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
comment @
На вход подается:
si - адресс строки(тоже что dx и в для 9ой функции)
ch - номер столбца для вывода(нумерация с нуля)
cl - номер строки для вывода(нумераия с нуля)
bl - атрибут(цвет фона и цвет символов)
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push es
push 0b800h
pop es
push cx
mov al,ch
mov dl,80
mul dl
mov di,ax
and cx,00ffh
add di,cx
shl di,1
pop cx
cmp al,'$'
je _endo
mov ah,bl
jmp _rep
lea dx, crcl
mov ah,09
int 21h
pop es
Write_Proc endp
end begin
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ?
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters$'
EnterAgainMessage db 'Would you like to enter one more string. input y to try again$'
ResultMessage db 'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one$'
GoodbYeMessage db 'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!$'
RightMessage db 'Copyright AnyaB$'
crcl db 13,10,'$'
push ax
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
lea si, GreetingMessage
xor ch,ch
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si, VariantMessage
mov ch,1
mov cl,1
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si, InputMessage
mov ch,2
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
lea si, string ;vivod vvedennoi stroki
mov ch,5
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea si, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,6
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
lea si, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,7
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
lea si,EnterAgainMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,8
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0
int 16h
cmp al,'y'
je start
lea si, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,9
mov cl,0
mov bl,0eh
call Write_Proc
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
;lea dx, RightMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
;call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
comment @
На вход подается:
si - адресс строки(тоже что dx и в для 9ой функции)
ch - номер столбца для вывода(нумерация с нуля)
cl - номер строки для вывода(нумераия с нуля)
bl - атрибут(цвет фона и цвет символов)
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push es
push 0b800h
pop es
push cx
mov al,ch
mov dl,80
mul dl
mov di,ax
and cx,00ffh
add di,cx
shl di,1
pop cx
cmp al,'$'
je _endo
mov ah,bl
jmp _rep
lea dx, crcl
mov ah,09
int 21h
pop es
Write_Proc endp
end begin
Киев - rules!
Я тоже из Киева! :)
Извините, что все-же настоятельно продвигаю свою программу, просто по ней не так видно, что это не моих рук творчество. Спасибо!
.model small
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ' '
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1$'
ChoiceMessage db 'Would you like to enter the new line of characters (YES/NO) - [Y/N]$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one$'
GoodbYeMessage db 'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!$'
crcl db 13,10,'$'
push ax
jumps ;rozshirenie deistviya uslovnih perehodov
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
lea dx, GreetingMessage
xor ch,ch
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
mov ch,1
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
mov ch,2
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
mov bl,03h
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,4
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
lea si, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,5
mov cl,0
mov bl, 0bh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, ChoiceMessage
mov ch,6
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah
mov dh, max
int 21h
mov ah,08h ;cteniye symvola v tekuscei posicii kursora
int 10h
cmp al, 59h ;esli 'yes' - perehodim na metku work
je work ;esli 'no' -perehodim na metku escape
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,8
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push es
push 0b800h
pop es
push cx
mov al,ch
mov dl,80
mul dl
mov di,ax
and cx,00ffh
add di,cx
shl di,1
pop cx
cmp al,'$'
je _endo
mov ah,bl
jmp _rep
lea dx, crcl
mov ah,09
int 21h
pop es
Write_Proc endp
end begin
.stack 100h
max db 255
len db ' '
string db 255 dup (' ')
GreetingMessage db 'Good Afternoon Olena Anatoliyvna!$'
VariantMessage db 'You have entered the home-task program of variant 1$'
ChoiceMessage db 'Would you like to enter the new line of characters (YES/NO) - [Y/N]$'
InputMessage db 'You are welcome to enter the string with any characters',13,10,'$'
ResultMessage db 'Resulting string after changing every capital letter into small one$'
GoodbYeMessage db 'Thank you for your attention. Have a nice day!$'
crcl db 13,10,'$'
push ax
jumps ;rozshirenie deistviya uslovnih perehodov
mov ax, 003h
int 10h ;ocistka ekrana
mov ax, @data
mov ds, ax ;ustanavlivaem registr ds takim obrazom 4to bi on ukazival na segment dannih
lea dx, GreetingMessage
xor ch,ch
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, VariantMessage
mov ch,1
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, InputMessage
mov ch,2
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah ;vvod stroki
lea dx,max
mov bl,03h
int 21h
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;zakancivaem stroku simvovlom $
lea si,string
xor cx,cx
mov cl,len
push ds
pop es
lea di,string
xor ax,ax
cmp al, 41h
jl scip
cmp al, 5Ah
jg scip
add al, 20h
loop go
lea dx, ResultMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,4
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
xor bx,bx
mov bl,len
mov di,bx
mov byte ptr string[di],'$' ;end the string with symbol $
lea si, string ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,5
mov cl,0
mov bl, 0bh
call Write_Proc
lea dx, ChoiceMessage
mov ch,6
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
mov ah,0ah
mov dh, max
int 21h
mov ah,08h ;cteniye symvola v tekuscei posicii kursora
int 10h
cmp al, 59h ;esli 'yes' - perehodim na metku work
je work ;esli 'no' -perehodim na metku escape
lea dx, GoodbyeMessage ;vivod soobs4eniya-result
mov ch,8
mov cl,0
mov bl,0fh
call Write_Proc
pop ax
mov ax,4c00h ;obicnoe zavershenie programi
int 21h
Write_Proc proc ;procedure for dispalying the messages
push es
push 0b800h
pop es
push cx
mov al,ch
mov dl,80
mul dl
mov di,ax
and cx,00ffh
add di,cx
shl di,1
pop cx
cmp al,'$'
je _endo
mov ah,bl
jmp _rep
lea dx, crcl
mov ah,09
int 21h
pop es
Write_Proc endp
end begin