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Почтовая рассылка

Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

J2EE SOA Senior Architect

30 января 2007 года
2 / / 30.01.2007
Large Project with a major American company
6-12 years of experience working as an architect, lead developer. At least 3 years of J2EE architecture and development;
Experience of building Enterprise Level information systems using RUP or iterative methodology;
Excellent knowledge of RUP or Iterative methodology/artifacts, UML, SOA, J2EE/standard(GoF) patterns, OOA/OOD;
Experience with Rational Rose, TogetherJ/Together for Websphere Studio Edition;
Good ability for team-work and ability to lead developers towards specified architecture implementation;
Technical skills: J2EE/Java (EJB1.1/2.0, JSP 1.1, Servlets 2.3, JDBC 2.0), Websphere 5.0, WSAD/Eclipse, WebSphere Clustering, Oracle 9i+ database, Struts 1.1, Hibernate O-R mapping, EAI integration products;
Big plus is an experience with Enterprise Security, Websphere Portal;
Plus is an experience with TIBCO, Mercury, J2EE Security, Websphere Administration, Domain Design/Patterns, Aspect Oriented Programming, Pragmatic Automation, Data Level Security, as well as J2EE Architect Certification;
Written English, spoken not less than the advanced level.

Design architecture for new information system’s modules, work with integration and performance issues, and communication with client representatives.

Moscow, business trips in the USA (New York) are probable, also by H1B visa.

The salary depends from your professional skills;
Bonuses at each quarter (percent from 3 salaries);
Social security: medical insurance for whole family, mortgage and consumer crediting, auto insurance, English language courses, payment of certifications, planning of career, etc;
A work in a highly professional team with application of wide technologies range and creative approach for a non-trivial business automatization is a guarantee for comprehensive disclosure of talents and continuous growth of professional skills and career for each team member.
Если Вас заинтересовала данная вакансия, присылайте своё подробное резюме на e-mail: [email]mmalashenko@luxoft.com[/email]
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