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Почтовая рассылка

Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

J2EE Developer & J2EE Senior Developer

30 января 2007 года
2 / / 30.01.2007
Large Project with a major American company
Experience in commercial developing of J2EE projects from 2 years;
Ability to work in a team;
Practical experience of using EJB 2.0 (SLSB), Servlets 2.3, JSP 1.2;
Strong theoretical background of basics and variants of using Hibernate ORM Framework, Struts Framework (MVC, Tiles, Validation), Javascript, SQL;
It is a big plus to have practical experience in WebSphere, Oracle 9i, Ant, Subversion, AJAX;
Written English, spoken not less than pre – intermediate level;

Moscow, business trips in the USA (New York) are probable, also by H1B visa.

The salary depends from professional skills;
Bonuses at each quarter (percent from 3 salaries);
Social security: medical insurance for whole family, mortgage and consumer crediting, autoinsurance, English language courses, payment of certifications, planning of career, etc;
A work in a compact and high-professional team with applying wide spectrum of technologies and creative approaches for automatization of non-trivial business is a guarantee for comprehensive disclosure of talents and continuous growing of professional skills and career of each team member.
Если Вас заинтересовала данная вакансия, присылайте своё подробное резюме на e-mail: [email]mmalashenko@luxoft.com[/email]
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