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Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

Вакансия: Software Test Engineer

02 марта 2007 года
46 / / 06.07.2006
Comtek Inc. is engaged in development real-time OS for a wide spectrum of microcontrollers let out by company Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Our team works under the technical specifications developed by a consortium of leading manufacturers of cars.
Working in our projects, you can become the expert on microcontrollers and built in real time OS.
You will have an opportunity to work both with the newest architecture of microcontrollers and with the latest versions of compilers and debuggers for embedded systems.
Now we engage employees to test group, on a position Software Test Engineer. Responsibilities: Development of an automated test suite (C and Perl will be used).

- Good C experience;
- Knowledge of Perl or ability to learn it;
- Good technical English;
- MS or BS degree.
Would be a plus:
- Knowledge of RTOS and/or microcontrollers;
- Experience with GUI test automation tools;
- Particilpation in a big project with well-established process.

Registration by Labour Code of Russian Federation. Salary 1200$-1800$, depend on interview results
11 марта 2007 года
46 / / 06.07.2006
Вакансия актуальна
15 марта 2007 года
46 / / 06.07.2006
Вакансия актуальна
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