Программирование интерфейса: табличный процессор
Существует ли табличный процессор в WinAPI и в библиотеке MFC среды Visual C++ подобный компоненту StringGrid библитотеки VCL среды Borland Delphi?
Цитата: SergPas
Существует ли табличный процессор в WinAPI и в библиотеке MFC среды Visual C++ подобный компоненту StringGrid библитотеки VCL среды Borland Delphi?
Насколько я знаю все контролы WinApi описанны в Common Controls. Посмотрев перечень классов окон, можно сделать вывод что нету (:
Window Classes
This section lists the window class names provided by the common control library.
Creates animation controls. These controls silently display an audio video interleaved (AVI) clip.
Creates date and time picker controls. These controls provide a simple and intuitive interface to exchange date and time information with a user.
Creates hot key controls. These controls make it easy for the user to define hot keys.
Creates syslink controls. These controls are used with links.
Creates month calendar controls. These controls provide a simple and intuitive way for a user to select a date from a familiar interface.
Creates native font controls. These controls are used with native fonts.
Creates progress bars. These controls indicate the progress of a lengthy operation.
Creates rebar controls. These controls act as a container for child windows.
Creates intrinsic User32 controls, such as button, edit, and scrollbar.
Creates status windows. These controls display status information in a horizontal window.
Creates toolbars. These controls contain buttons that carry out menu commands.
Creates ToolTip controls. These controls display a small pop-up window containing a line of text that describes the purpose of a tool in an application.
Creates trackbars. These controls let the user select from a range of values by moving a slider.
Creates up-down controls. These controls combine a pair of arrows with an edit control. Clicking the arrows increments or decrements the value in the edit control.
Creates ComboBoxEx controls. These controls provide an extension of the combo box control that provides native support for item images.
Creates header controls. These controls display headings at the top of columns of information and let the user sort the information by clicking the headings.
Creates IP address controls. These controls are similar to an edit control, but they enable you to enter a numeric address in Internet protocol (IP) format.
Creates list-view controls. These controls display a collection of items, each consisting of an icon and a label, and provide several ways to arrange the items.
Creates pager controls. These controls are used to contain and scroll another window.
Creates tab controls. These controls define multiple pages for the same area of a window or dialog box. Each page consists of a set of information or a group of controls that an application displays when the user selects the corresponding tab.
Creates tree-view controls. These controls display a hierarchical list of items. Each item consists of a label and an optional bitmap.
Получается, что нужно самому писать весь интерфейс и обработчики нужных событий?
Цитата: SergPas
Получается, что нужно самому писать весь интерфейс и обработчики нужных событий?
Как вариант да, ну или попробовать найти исходник уже готового.. хотя на WinApi думаю долго искать придеться :)
Посмотри вот эти вещи может поможет :)
Win32 Grid Control with Low Overhead
CDataGrid Control
Как я понял из содержания второй ссылки, можно использовать и ListView как табличку, содержание которой можно редактировать посредством ввода символов с клавиатуры! Надо будет почитать MSDN!!!