Вопрос по RELAX-NG
<para>To protect and insulate the applications, services and
machines of your internal network from unwanted traffic
coming in from the public Internet.</para>
<para>To limit or disable access from hosts of the internal
network to services of the public Internet.</para>
<para>To support network address translation
(<acronym>NAT</acronym>), which allows your internal network
to use private <acronym>IP</acronym> addresses and share a
single connection to the public Internet (either with a
single <acronym>IP</acronym> address or by a shared pool of
automatically assigned public addresses).</para>
Правильно ли будет использвать конструкцию <oneOreMore> в RELAX-NG
схеме, если элемент <listitem> повторяется несколко раз?
<RELAX-NG> схема к данному XML коду:
<element name="itemizedlist">
<element name="listitem">
<ref name="para"/>
<element name="listitem">
<ref name="para"/>
<element name="listitem">
<element name="para">
<ref name="acronym"/>
<ref name="acronym"/>
<ref name="acronym"/>
Правильна ли эта схема?
Заранее благодарен за ответы.