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Почтовая рассылка

Подписчиков: -1
Последний выпуск: 19.06.2015

Nuzhen Perl / PHP Programist

i am looking for someone to do a script for me, you can modify a free script
that can be found on the net (i can give you some urls) and make it better
based on my specifications. below are the requirments please give me a
quote. Email = [EMAIL]chihpih@punkass.com[/EMAIL]


Online user registration ensures complete and valid user data. (notifies the
Administrator via email with the new user information and also emails the
new user with his account information (name, password, and code to place on
his site to be a part of the Exchange)
Smart cheat analyzer allows you to monitor your exchange and find abuse
Banner ad graphics with file type and size checking (i.e. GIF image at
468x60) to be served from users site
Support following banner formats GIF, JPG, Java, Flash and HTML Multibanner
Admin can define unlimited banner groups with different resolution.
Each member can has unlimited groups (related to different campaigns) and
unlimited banners per group.
The default Banner Exchange ad automatically replaces any missing banners in
the rotation
Members and admin sections are separated to several pages 2 types of
credits clicks and impressions
Customizable exchange ratio (32 default, for 3 banners user shows 2 of his
will be shown)
Free credits to the user on signup + option for Admin to give more credits
to users
Click-exchange feature Global, monthly, daily and hourly stats and credit
Flash-based and GD-based stats charts
User can choose banners what will be shown on his site
Full control on script variables via WEB-form
Maillist option enabled for emailing to all exchange members
Search engine is enabled
Complete notification system, allowing admin and members to know when new
banner was approved
Categories Browsing is enabled
Referal features. Users earn credits for each user they refer
Banner must be accepted by admin before it will be moved to exchange
Automatic determination of inactive accounts
Multistatus feature you can set account to following modes -
Regular/trusted (trusted users can use several powerful commands like
transfer credits etc), Expirable/Non-expirable (non-expirable will never
expired even if they havent unused credits), Free/Advertiser (advertisers
will not be shown as inactive), Approval required/Auto-accept (with
auto-accept new uploaded banners will be moved to exchange pool immediately)
TOP 10/25/100 feature rated by counter stats, banner, and text exchange
Accounts can be disabled and enabled by admin
Members can retrieve forgotten passwords
TextExchange feature Just-text-ads exchange. Has tickerline style.
MySQL backend
Free mailling list for each user with ability to modify
subscribe/unsubscribe/error pages, add/remove emails
Automatic rotation of banner ads
Paypal payment integration
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