using System.Windows.Forms;
using WIA;
namespace TestWIA
public partial class Form1 : Form
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
ICommonDialog cl = new WIA.CommonDialog();
Device d = cl.ShowSelectDevice(WiaDeviceType.UnspecifiedDeviceType, true, false);
if (d == null)
Item item = d.ExecuteCommand(CommandID.wiaCommandTakePicture);
foreach (string format in item.Formats)
if (format == FormatID.wiaFormatJPEG)
ImageFile imgFile = item.Transfer(format) as ImageFile;
C# и WIA
Ошибки такие:
Error 1 Interop type 'WIA.CommandID' cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead.
Error 2 'WIA.CommandID' does not contain a definition for 'wiaCommandTakePicture'
Error 3 Interop type 'WIA.FormatID' cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead.
Error 4 'WIA.FormatID' does not contain a definition for 'wiaFormatJPEG'
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