Работа с файлами настроек
пасиб :)
(прошу, не ломитесь толпой :))
Function Description
GetPrivateProfileInt Retrieves an integer associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file.
GetPrivateProfileSection Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of an initialization file.
GetPrivateProfileSectionNames Retrieves the names of all sections in an initialization file.
GetPrivateProfileString Retrieves a string from the specified section in an initialization file.
GetPrivateProfileStruct Retrieves the data associated with a key in the specified section of an initialization file.
GetProfileInt Retrieves an integer from a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file.
GetProfileSection Retrieves all the keys and values for the specified section of the Win.ini file.
GetProfileString Retrieves the string associated with a key in the specified section of the Win.ini file.
WritePrivateProfileSection Replaces the keys and values for the specified section in an initialization file.
WritePrivateProfileString Copies a string into the specified section of an initialization file.
WritePrivateProfileStruct Copies data into a key in the specified section of an initialization file.
WriteProfileSection Replaces the contents of the specified section in the Win.ini file with specified keys and values.
WriteProfileString Copies a string into the specified section of the Win.ini file.
Но все равно спасибо :)