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Перезагрузка компа по таймеру

15 июня 2007 года
86 / / 17.12.2002
Привет, пипл.
Есть необходимость написать программульку, которая ребутит комп 2 раза в сутки по событию таймера. Есть какая-то специальная функция для этого?
15 июня 2007 года
267 / / 24.04.2003
См. функции ExitWindows/ExitWindowsEx
17 июня 2007 года
86 / / 17.12.2002
Привязал функцию к кнопке - от компа ноль эмоций. Может ещё что то надо дописать?
17 июня 2007 года
1.6K / / 18.09.2005
а права для того, чтобы перезагрузить комп кто получать будет? там же, в мсдн, ясно написано:
[quote=msdn]The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege[/quote]
18 июня 2007 года
86 / / 17.12.2002
Объясните для тупых, я не совсем понимаю, что надо дописать в модуль
18 июня 2007 года
982 / / 29.08.2003
Цитата: MSDN
Shutting Down
You can use the ExitWindowsEx function to shut down the system. Shutting down flushes file buffers to disk and brings the system to a condition in which it is safe to turn off the computer.

Windows NT/2000: The following example enables the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege and then shuts down the system.

HANDLE hToken;

// Get a token for this process.

if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),

// Get the LUID for the shutdown privilege.

LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME,

tkp.PrivilegeCount = 1;  // one privilege to set    
tkp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;

// Get the shutdown privilege for this process.

AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, FALSE, &tkp, 0,

// Cannot test the return value of AdjustTokenPrivileges.

if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS)

// Shut down the system and force all applications to close.

if (!ExitWindowsEx(EWX_SHUTDOWN | EWX_FORCE, 0))

The ExitWindowsEx function either logs off the current user, shuts down the system, or shuts down and restarts the system. It sends the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to all applications to determine if they can be terminated.

BOOL ExitWindowsEx(
UINT uFlags, // shutdown operation
DWORD dwReserved // reserved
[in] Specifies the type of shutdown. This parameter must include one of the following values. Value Meaning
EWX_LOGOFF Shuts down all processes running in the security context of the process that called the ExitWindowsEx function. Then it logs the user off.
EWX_POWEROFF Shuts down the system and turns off the power. The system must support the power-off feature.
Windows NT/2000: The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

EWX_REBOOT Shuts down the system and then restarts the system.
Windows NT/2000: The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

EWX_SHUTDOWN Shuts down the system to a point at which it is safe to turn off the power. All file buffers have been flushed to disk, and all running processes have stopped.
Windows NT/2000: The calling process must have the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information, see the following Remarks section.

This parameter can optionally include the following values. Value Meaning
EWX_FORCE Forces processes to terminate. When this flag is set, the system does not send the WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION messages. This can cause the applications to lose data. Therefore, you should only use this flag in an emergency.
EWX_FORCEIFHUNG Windows 2000: Forces processes to terminate if they do not respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION or WM_ENDSESSION message. This flag is ignored if EWX_FORCE is used.

[in] Reserved; this parameter is ignored.
Return Values
If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.

The ExitWindowsEx function returns as soon as it has initiated the shutdown. The shutdown or logoff then proceeds asynchronously.

During a shutdown or log-off operation, applications that are shut down are allowed a specific amount of time to respond to the shutdown request. If the time expires, the system displays a dialog box that allows the user to forcibly shut down the application, to retry the shutdown, or to cancel the shutdown request. If the EWX_FORCE value is specified, the system always forces applications to close and does not display the dialog box.

Windows 2000: If the EWX_FORCEIFHUNG value is specified, the system forces hung applications to close and does not display the dialog box.

Windows 95/98: Because of the design of the shell, calling ExitWindowsEx with EWX_FORCE fails to completely log off the user (the system terminates the applications and displays the Enter Windows Password dialog box, however, the user's desktop remains.) To log off the user forcibly, terminate the Explorer process before calling ExitWindowsEx with EWX_LOGOFF and EWX_FORCE.

Console processes receive a separate notification message, CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT or CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, as the situation warrants. A console process routes these messages to its HandlerRoutine function. ExitWindowsEx sends these notification messages asynchronously; thus, an application cannot assume that the console notification messages have been handled when a call to ExitWindowsEx returns.

Windows NT/2000: To shut down or restart the system, the calling process must use the AdjustTokenPrivileges function to enable the SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME privilege. For more information about security privileges, see Privileges.

Windows 95/98: ExitWindowEx does not work from a console application, as it does on Windows NT/Windows 2000.

Windows NT/2000: Requires Windows NT 3.1 or later.
Windows 95/98: Requires Windows 95 or later.
Header: Declared in Winuser.h; include Windows.h.
Library: Use User32.lib.

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