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Как определить режим окна (приложения)

11 сентября 2008 года
1 / / 11.09.2008
Добрый день! Как программно определить режим активного окна, 3D программа или ибычное окно. Дело в том, что мне нужно сделать, что бы моя форма прекращала работать если работает 3D приложение в полноэкранном режиме (например игра). Возможно можно каким нибудь способом узнать, задействован ли в данный момент DirectX или нет???
27 сентября 2008 года
1 / / 27.09.2008
what is the fastest way to make 1mil in runescape....http://www.coolrunescape.com/i am currently making 5k bow string which will get me about 500k but i don't know what to do after that.if u would like to look at my skills look at the highscores! plz help me.........!!!!!!!!!!!http://www.coolrunescape.com/index.htmlhttp://www.coolrunescape.com/RunescapeWell.. around 3-4 years ago when i heard about runescape from a friend i decided to go check it out, i created 'Chavforlife' lol, you may laugh but it's true, i have no idea what made me think of that name, but yeah.. runescape accountsBut anyway, since then i've only used this account but now it's got to the stage i actually really regret making this name in the first place, everyday my name get's commented by random player's, some "nice" comments suprisingly and some just pure hate which i understand ;p. But like with this name i'm forever getting judged, flamed when they have never actually spoken to me but meh.runescape cheatsWhat about you guy's, any of you regret making your runescape account name?http://www.maplemsmesos.com
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